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But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way.

John 4:23 


With more than 50 members, our Queensway Worship community is more like one big family.   We are worshipers from different generations, cultures, musical styles and skill levels that come together, unified by the standard set out in John 4:23, to worship God in Spirit and in truth. 


 Every week our ministry provides worship teams for Queensway’s two Main Services, HUB - Young Adult service, Youth service, Tweens service and all Children’s Ministry services.


This season we are focused on: seeking out, and investing in the next generation of worshipers; weekly team devotions and prayer time; developing leaders; original song writing.


Main Service Worship

Sunday Mornings

9:30am and 11:11am in the sanctuary

Join us on Sunday mornings for Holy-Spirit lead worship!  Our worship teams carefully, prayerfully, and skilfully prepare meaningful songs for the whole church body to offer up in praise to our God.


If you’re interested in joining the Main Service Worship Team click the Volunteer Application Form at the bottom of this page.

*We are especially in need of good bass players, guitar players and drummers*

HUB - Young Adult Worship

Sunday Nights

7pm-9:30pm @ The Factory

For a deep worship experience that will often bring you to your knees, come to HUB worship.  Our young adult worship teams focus on singing songs that go “all in” into presence of God.


If you’re interested in joining the HUB Worship Team click the Volunteer Application Form at the bottom of this page.

*We are especially in need of good bass players, guitar players and drummers*


Youth Worship

Friday Nights

7pm-9pm @ The Factory

Feel the Holy Spirit move with the energetic worship sets at Youth Worship.  Our youth worshippers gain strength and confidence worship leading with guidance and encouragement from Main Service and HUB team members.


If you’re interested in joining the Youth Worship Team click the Volunteer Application Form at the bottom of this page.

*We are especially in need of good bass players, guitar players and drummers*

Tweens Worship

Sunday Mornings

9:30am and 11:11am@ The Factory

At Tweens Worship, we sing, we shout, we play, we clap, we dance like David… pretty much, we just worship God with everything we’ve got!  Our worship sets are built to help you fall in love with worshiping YOUR God your own way!


If you’re interested in joining the Tweens Worship Team click the Volunteer Application Form at the bottom of this page.

*We are especially in need of good bass players, guitar players and drummers*

Image by Oleg Ivanov
Image by Clark Young

Children's Ministry Worship

Sunday Mornings

9:30am and 11:11am @ The Children’s Wing

Our Children’s Ministry Worshippers are so good that every Sunday morning they go on Tour! No really they do!  They set up in one venue (or class room), do their awesome worship set, then hit the road (head down the hall) to do It all again for another set of screaming fans!  The CM Worship is designed to do one thing, get the children excited and involved in a real worship experience.  We know that this will bear fruit in the lives of our little ones as they grow in their relationships with the Lord.


If you’re interested in joining the Children’s Ministry Worship Team click the Volunteer Application Form at the bottom of this page.

*We are especially in need of acoustic guitar players*


Getting Involved

If you are passionate about worship, and believe that you are in a place where God can use you and your giftings to lead others in worship, we encourage you to click the link below to submit a volunteer application. 


**be sure you select “worship” as your area of interest** 

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