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Let’s be candid, shall we? This has been a very unique, frustrating, rewarding, upsetting time in the history books. Think about it, COVID almost shutdown the world (let’s shutdown). Not to mention the tensions that have been at an all-time high across the country. It almost feels like we have fallen back in time.

When there seems to be so much change, it can be very unnerving. Yet we have a constant and that is Christ. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8)!

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

But let’s be real when times are at there darkest, do we truly look to the author and finisher of our faith? It is so easy to look at everything and everybody else for the answers that only God can give us. I know I have done it (who’s with me???). It is easier to say the words than to actually do them. But we are called to be different. To stand out, and sometimes to be uncomfortable for Christ, which means that we may not have the most popular answers (truths) that people want to hear.

Life has many ups and downs and if we don't keep our eye on the prize, we will end up more confused than when we began. Our Heavenly Father has made incredible promises to us His children. And while our God is completely faithful to deliver on His promises, He does not force them on us. He's promised His nearness, His affections, and eternal life spent with Him. But we have the power to choose our own way. He doesn't force Himself where there's no space. God's word won't have power in our lives if we don't read it. We won't hear God effectively if we're not listening. And we can’t experience His nearness if we constantly fill our lives with other things.

Where do you need “perfect peace” today? where do you need rest for your soul? Search out the promises of God. Remember that His promises are sure. He is your Rock and your Refuge. Place your trust in His promises as often as it takes until they produce peace in your life.

Choose continually to place your hope in God and live a life of faith in response to His faithfulness. God has a plan to lead you to peace today. He has a plan to produce joy and hope in you that can't be taken away by any circumstance or fear. Experience all that God's promises are meant to produce today by trusting in your Rock, your everlasting and loving Heavenly Father.

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